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Writer's pictureShanice Rollins

Summer Check In

Hey Y’all. Happy June!

Here we are already half way through 2022. What have been your favorite moments so far?

For me, I’ve been really taking myself and my business to the next level has been my biggest moment for me. I took a step back from working full time. I learned/am learning new skills and movement techniques to bring to my business and my clients.

I also am putting the things I desire in my top proiorities and not In the “whenever it happens, happens” space.

I’ve been traveling a bit, reading some very heart warming and mind exploring books, and meditating.

I’ve been reaching out to my friends and making sure that we are communicating and sharing what’s going on in our almost 30 lives.

I’ve also been trying to make and plan some short term (engagement) and long term (having children) with my partner as we are continuing to grow in love and live with one another.

Overall, I can say that I am and have been is such a better mood than 2021 hands down. Life is way more than just working and the small things. DO the big, unplanned, and messy things too. Whatever makes you happy and feel fulfilled.

So I plan to be here once a month so I will see you next time.

Much Love,

Shanice R.

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